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Thursday, August 18, 2011

Up-close & Personal: Collin Littlesea

You have seen Nessie a bit more up-close than just RP. Ready to get your fill on the next VIRP?

We have more for you today... the fourth to the four VIRP for June. ATR’s very own river humper: Collin Littlesea

Corin: How long have you been roleplaying?
Collin: Roughly 11 years or so.
Corin: How did you find out about it?
Collin: I honestly can't remember *chuckles* I came across Hexrpg, I think that is the site, when I was surfing Harry Potter stuff.
Corin: Who is your most favourite character from all those you’ve played?
Collin: Probably Collin, I've always been Collin. *smiles*
Corin: What makes you keep on doing RP?
Collin: I'm an avid reader and I really enjoy bringing my own ideas of the stories to life on twitter or sites, and having others with me doing it helps keep me motivated to continue.
Corin: What made you choose you Collin?
Collin: I loved the wolves, and Seth was taken most places when I first started. Plus with Collin he was young, and there wasn't much to him, so you pretty much make a whole background on him.
Corin: What do you think would be something that you want to convey of Collin that others might not know about?
Collin: Hmmm.. That’s tough, besides the fact that Collin thinks so highly of Leah Clearwater, I think it'd be that he really looks up to Sam. Sam was there for him at his first change, and has continued to be there for him.
Corin: What’s your take on Collin? Did you change your attack to it and how do you think you’ve made it your own?
Collin: well there isn't too much to Collin's background in the books, I've been able to go a lot with making him my own, I personally know a lot about cars, so he works at a dealership with a automotive degree in his background.

Corin: What do you think is Collin’s deepest desire?
Collin: Probably for Leah to acknowledge him the way he'd like her too. *Chuckles*
Corin: If Collin was stuck in an island, what three things would he bring along with him? (Persons not included)
Collin: Well I would say tools, but there wouldn't be a need for those *chuckles* Probably his laptop, food, and his pillow and blanket from his bed.
Corin: 7 years had passed…Has your lifestyle changed dramatically since you have started phasing?
Collin: For the most part yes, I have several brothers now, and I'm pretty close to them. I've also had to turn down stuff with friends at work to go on patrols.
Corin: Let’s get a little steamy… If you had a mate, tied to a bed... How would you tease her?
Collin: Wow.. This is.. wow *chuckles* I honestly have no idea how to word it.. Corin: Five years down the road… Where is Collin?
Collin: 5 years, I will probably still be working at the dealership I'm at, maybe closer to being a shop foreman or something tho, hopefully have someone special in my life, and my cousin still around..

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